Lavender Red, oil painting, by Quata Cody
"Lavender Red" is an original Oil by Quata Cody. "Its cliché to say that it is an internal landscape but these really are memories of real places. They are single thoughts and single ideas highly focused and expressed in color. Each image is a spatial archetype easily recognized on a primal level. I studied ancient Japanese tankas and I want each painting to be like a tanka. A single sentence, a single concept a single thought or idea uncrowded and uncomplicated...elegant in its simplicity." - Quata Cody
The Angi D Wildt Gallery is pleased to offer interest-free, in-house layaway plans to make owning art more accessible. Terms are flexible and worked out directly with the gallery to suit your needs, with most plans completed within a year. Please note that the artwork will remain with the gallery until paid in full. Once the terms are agreed upon, an invoice will be provided outlining the details. Contact us to discuss your layaway options and bring home the perfect piece!