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Oil Paintings - Seascapes & Landscapes- Commissions


Ron Nicolaides Painting for Bio Pic

The drama of the sea the majestic beauty of the mountains have always been the passion and moods behind the dynamic and award winning paintings of Ron Nicolaides. With his very first oil seascape painted in his early teens and long before he ventured off to the California Coast with camera in hand, he felt his Italian(Sicilian) and Greek heritage planted the seed for his fascination with the sea. Through the years with frequent trips to the West Coast and through the Colorado Rockies he began to realize that through the landscape  in Missouri was indeed beautiful, it has it’s limitations as to what he had a desire to express on canvas. The drive for personal achievement as a recognizable artist and to live near the subjects he loved compelled him to move his family West to the coastal community of Santa Barbara, California. Within years the wild, rugged beauty of the Pacific Northwest lured them to Oregon. He now feels fortunate that he can create from his home and studio in Salem with Cascade Mountain views and from his beach house on the Oregon Coast with its magnificent panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean.


With a God-given talent and artistic appreciation, he studied art at Washington University in St Louis Missouri, but is primarily self-taught. He credits the wonderful Art Museums for they have become his classroom of knowledge of the style he pursues. Inspired by the great European Old Master, his greatest influence has been from the Hudson River School Painters, Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Church and Thomas Moran to name a few and also the Russian Masters, Aivazovsky and Eugene Garin, who have all served as his mentors. Nicolaides, with years of study and experience has become a powerful and accomplished artist. He has captured majestic landscapes and has mastered the mesmerizing translucent waves in his depiction of the sea without freezing its energetic rhythms. His strength is his capacity to push to the limits oils and multiple glazes to create the masterful works that bring the viewer right into the scene.


Collectors are drawn to Nicolaides’ landscapes and seascapes. Stormy and tranquil, his romantic approach has created an idea setting for the viewer; his work is in collections and galleries in the United States.

Afternoon Newport Oregon, oil painting on canvas.JPG





Sunday: 10 - 4 
Monday & Tuesday: 11 - 4 
Wednesday - Saturday: 10 - 5:30 

Appointments available
outside of business hours.


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